Postal Zip Codes (post code) of Mymensingh District. ময়মনসিংহের পোস্ট কোড / জিপ কোড।
Postal Zip Codes (post code) of Mymensingh District. ময়মনসিংহের পোস্টাল জিপ কোড।
Post code of Mymensingh Sadar
- Mymensingh sadar - 2200
- Kawatkhali - 2201
- Bangladesh Agriculture University - 2202
- Shombhuganj - 2203
- Biddyaganj - 2204
- Pearpur - 2205
Post code of Bhaluka
- Gaforgaon - 2230
- Shibganj - 2231
- Usti - 2232
- Kandipara - 2233
- Duttarbazar - 2234
Post code of Gouripur- Gouripur - 2270
- Ramgopalpur - 2271
Post code of Haluaghat- Haluaghat - 2260
- Dhara - 2261
- Munshirhat - 2262
Post code of Muktagachha- Isshwargonj - 2280
- Sohagi - 2281
- Atharabari - 2282
Post code of Trishal- Trishal - 2220
- Ahmadbad - 2221
- Ram Amritaganj - 2222
- Dhala - 2223
Post code of Phulpur- Phulpur - 2250
- Beltia - 2251
- Tarakanda - 2252
Post code of Nandail- Nandail - 2290
- Gangail - 2291
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